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From what perspectives should the constant temperature and humidity machine do relevant maintenance measures

Time:2021/8/13 15:24:40

Since the constant temperature and humidity device is a high-precision instrument, when a fault occurs, the user is often unable to solve it by himself. Therefore, we need to learn the relevant maintenance measures of the constant temperature and humidity machine to reduce the failure of the constant temperature and humidity machine. Next, let the editor of the constant temperature and humidity machine explain this, I hope it can be helpful to everyone.

constant temperature and humidity machine

1. Since the temperature (humidity) scale is usually very important, we recommend that it be placed in an environment with relatively favorable temperature. Our empirical temperature value is 8℃~23℃. For laboratories that do not have this condition, a suitable air conditioner or cooling tower should be equipped.

2. Adhere to dedicated and professional management. Qualified units should send special personnel to the supplier’s factory for training and education from time to time to gain more professional experience and maintenance capabilities.

3. Regularly clean the condenser (once every 3 months): If the compressor is air-cooled, the condenser fan should be checked regularly to purify and remove the dust in the condenser. In order to ensure good ventilation and heat exchange efficiency; for water-cooled compressors, in addition to ensuring the system inlet pressure and inlet temperature, it is necessary to ensure sufficient flow for students, and the internal management of the condenser must be developed regularly Clean and descaling to ensure its continuous heat exchange efficiency.

4. Clean the evaporator regularly (every 3 months): Due to the different cleanliness of the test samples, the forced air circulation on the evaporator (dryer) will condense many small particles such as dust, and it must be cleaned regularly.

5. Cleaning and balance of circulating fan and condensing fan blades: Similar to cleaning the evaporator, due to the different working environment in the laboratory, there will be a lot of small particles such as dust on the blades of the circulating fan and condensing fan, which should be removed regularly.

6. Cleaning the waterway and humidifier: If the waterway is uneven and the humidifier is dirty, it is easy to cause the humidifier to dry up and damage the humidifier. Therefore, waterways and humidifiers must be cleaned regularly.

7. After each test, set the temperature close to the ambient temperature, work for about 30 minutes, then turn off the power and wipe the inner wall of the cooking box.

8. If it is necessary to move the equipment, try to do it under the guidance of the corresponding technical personnel as much as possible to avoid unnecessary damage or damage to the equipment.

9. If the product is not used for a long time, it should be turned on once every half a month, and the turn-on time shall not be less than 1 hour.

The above nine points are all related to the maintenance measures of the constant temperature and humidity machine. Thank you for your understanding and support!